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Demo cases

NTNU’s research vessel - Gunnerus, is used as the basis for the development of the digital ship twin, Fig. 1. Several component models (FMUs) representing the Gunnerus hull and main propulsion system developed by NTNU and Sintef were recycled from the previous research project ViProMa. In 2019, the Gunnerus ship was elongated by 5 meters and a new crane was installed. The hull model was updated based on estimations using Sintef’s software VeSim. Controllers, a tunnel thruster (for DP) and a crane model were developed and added to the Gunnerus component model library gunnerus-fmus-bin.

The demo cases use NTNU’s research vessel - Gunnerus, Fig. 1.

Specifications of the Gunnerus vessel:

Figure 1: Gunnerus in subsea installation

The following demo simulators are presented:

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Copyright © NTNU, Sintef Ålesund AS, Rolls-Royce Marine AS, DNV GL AS, GCE BLUE Maritime c/o ÅKP AS