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Digital Twin Ship

Digital Twins for Vessel Life Cycle Service

Today’s maritime engineering systems are operating in highly dynamic environments. The challenge is to develop a concept leveraging on the different levels of system specific services already provided by manufacturers, where safety and efficient performance of complex integrated systems can be managed from the early stages of a new build vessel project and throughout the vessel’s life-cycle, Fig.1.

Figure 1: Maritime digital twin for development from design to operation

The goal of the research project is to develop digital twins of maritime systems and operations, which is an open virtual simulator as the next generation of marine industrial infrastructure not only for overall system design, allowing configuration of systems and verification of operational performance, but also more focusing to provide early warning, life cycle service support, and system behavior prediction, Fig.2.

Figure 2: Development tools for early warning, prediction, and optimization

This project will implement the research results into practical demonstrators using framework in design processes, training, system maintenance and life cycle service. There will be a strong industry involvement in the development of these demonstrators. Demo simulators will be made at Offshore Simulation Centre dome and NTNU’s “Ship Operation Research Lab”, Fig. 3.

Figure 3: NTNU Ship Operation Research Lab - Maritime Simulators

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Copyright © NTNU, Sintef Ålesund AS, Rolls-Royce Marine AS, DNV GL AS, GCE BLUE Maritime c/o ÅKP AS

Page last modified: Apr 27 2020 at 05:54 PM.